X-Wear Blog: News, Tips, and Tricks for What Inspires You

"A Hiking We Will Go..." with Andrew Drummond

When it comes to outdoor sports, there’s not much New Hampshire’s Andrew Drummond doesn’t do. He skis. He surfs. He runs. He kayaks. He bikes. But there is one activity,...

"A Hiking We Will Go..." with Andrew Drummond

When it comes to outdoor sports, there’s not much New Hampshire’s Andrew Drummond doesn’t do. He skis. He surfs. He runs. He kayaks. He bikes. But there is one activity,...

🎶 Climb Every Mountain  🎶 ........................ At Least Every 4000 Footer in NE!

🎶 Climb Every Mountain 🎶 ........................

  On the first Friday of this month, 68-year-old Jack Scanlon was where he is most at peace - scaling a New England mountain. It was the latest in his...

🎶 Climb Every Mountain 🎶 ........................

  On the first Friday of this month, 68-year-old Jack Scanlon was where he is most at peace - scaling a New England mountain. It was the latest in his...