A Great Big THANK YOU From Us To You
Yesterday, there was a procession of cars departing two seaside communities – Cape Cod and Newport, Rhode Island – where we operate several retail stores. And so marks the unofficial end of summer and the end of our peak retail season.
Like many small businesses in these communities, we not only rely on year-round residents, but tourists to sustain us. And so we wanted to take a moment to say something we sometimes forget to say during the height of the busiest time of the year for us - thank you.
Thank you for a wonderful summer. Thank you for visiting two of what we consider the most beautiful places on either coast. And thank you for stopping in our stores and trusting us with your business.
Because of you, we consider ourselves lucky. We have the privilege of employing a small, dedicated staff of full-time employees, allowing them to live and thrive here. And we get to employ part-time seasonal workers, some who are local and others who came from overseas to experience a summer in Newport, Provincetown, Chatham, Mashpee and Falmouth.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve said farewell to many of them as they return to high school and college. It’s a bittersweet time of year for us. Yes, the crowds are smaller and traffic is less hectic, but it’s also a little less vibrant, a little less colorful. Summer on Cape Cod and Newport is a party that we wish would never end. But of course, it does. And when it does, you can’t wait for the next one to start.
In the meantime, we hope that you consider returning to Cape Cod and Newport in the fall, winter and spring. There’s a special magic to these times of year in both places. And if you do visit, make sure to stop in our stores (click here and scroll down to see the exact locations) and say hello.
As a way to say thank you to our loyal customers, we are having end-of-summer sales on clothing in our Board Stiff stores in Provincetown and Falmouth and in-store sales on sunglasses (buy one pair, get the second half off) at all of our locations over the next few weeks.
Wishing you all an enjoyable September! Until next summer!
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